Accessories TV Connections Connecting to your television or home entertainment system with your hearing aids is easier than ever! Typically using Bluetooth, TV connections stream audio directly to your hearing aids while also doing a great job of separating from the background noise the sounds that may be distracting. We offer different TV connective technology to help you turn up the volume for yourself, without making it too loud for anyone else! Contact us to learn more about our complete range of assistive listening devices.Contact UsRoger ON Roger On™ is a unique microphone for everyday use in noise and over distance. It recognizes if speech is coming from the left or right side of the wearer and provides spatial information to combine visual and audio cues.* It also helps support conversations by automatically selecting the person who is talking.Contact UsRoger Select Roger Select™ is a versatile Bluetooth® microphone for hearing aids that is ideal for stationary situations where background noise is present. When used as a table mic, it discreetly and automatically selects the person who is talking and seamlessly switches from one talker to another. In scenarios where more than one conversation is happening, users can manually select who to listen to.Contact Us